Google TV lets you seamlessly search all of the content on your TV, the web, and apps

Google TV lets you seamlessly search all of the content on your TV, the web, and apps Google TV lets you seamlessly search all of the content on your TV, the web, and apps – then access it with a single click. You can also easily switch between TV and the web without having to change inputs on your television.

Google’s “Smart TV” platform is expected to make its debut in a few hours, when the US west coast wakes up for the second day of Google IO, and now that debut looks all the more likely with a premature mention of the technology on the IO press page.

TechCrunch did some rudimentary URL fiddling and found a page-holder saying “Insert Android press release/TV press release”, pretty much confirming that there’ll be an announcement about what’s believed to be a system of internet-connected set-top boxes running Android. Read more

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