Birthday Gift : Domain Name

Birthday Gift : Domain Name

Get a domain name as birthday gift for someone you love.

A new trend tends to become more popular as the parents from all around the world are buying domain names for their kids in a move meant to reserve the website for a later time. Domains sales are recorded an impressive increase in clients as a lot of parents are buying domains even before their kids are born.Domain Name as Birthday Gift

It seems like most of them are trying to avoid the famous Britney Spears case when someone registered a domain with the name of the famous pop star’s son.

Nowadays, it’s extremely easy to buy a domain name, many of the Internet consumers using it for blogs or for redirecting the users to a certain profile hosted by the social networking websites such as MySpace, Facebook or Hi5.

“It is the starting point for your online identity,”

Domain name has a futuristic value. It is an intellectual assets. One day, if you build a business around your child domain name, that name will become your most valuable asset. It will be both your child’s brand and doorway to the service.

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