Why Google is Right to Be Paranoid

Why Google is Right to Be ParanoidGoogle is still master of the search domain, but that hasn’t stopped the company from looking over its shoulder. The latest survey from the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that 83% of American Internet users say they use Google as their primary search engine, vastly more than any other individual search engine.

Yet despite this, Google is constantly implementing changes to its model, most recently in its efforts to increase its semantic search capabilities and its attempts to provide more direct answers to user queries rather than the standard list of websites. Google is far and away the top search engine in the world, having an even greater market share of search than it had a few years ago. Does Google really have to worry about other search engines eating up its market share since it’s already so firmly entrenched?

Another way is to differentiate based on your interface so you can tell users that they can find what they want easier with our search results set. You can also utilize different information, such as when Bing incorporated Facebook information into its results before Google could even incorporate Google+. Read more……