New Technology Could Charge An Electric Car While It Is Being Driven

New Technology Could Charge An Electric Car While It Is Being Driven  Researchers at Stanford University are working on a way to charge electric cars while they drive down the road.

According to Eco-Business, a system called “magnetic resonance coupling” could work to inductively charge cars without any wires and could even work while cars are moving.

The idea is that sets of copper coils would be tuned to resonate at the same frequency; one of these would be in the car, the other in the road.

Eco-Business reports that the copper coils can transfer energy to each other from distances up to six feet away. This technology has already been used in the past to turn on a light bulb by researchers from MIT.

This technology would completely cure the biggest issue with electric cars: the lack of range.

However, the big problem is that the entire road network would need to be revamped to incorporate the technology. Right now, there is not widespread adoption of the electric car by the general public, making this an infrastructure expense for a non-existent market.

And if the roads are updated, there is no guarantee that the cars will start selling in droves.

Another factor is that this has not yet been tested in a real world situation, just in computer models. It is unknown if the magnetic resonance would create interference with the other computers or systems in the cars.

Still, if this idea works in the real world, it could be a huge step towards making the electric car a viable proposition outside of urban centers. Read more ……