Evaluation of Learning for Performance Improvement International Conference (ELPIIC)

The Evaluation of Learning for Performance Improvement International Conference (ELPIIC), was born out of a need by organizations to determine the Return-On-Investment (ROI) for their investments in training and human capital development activities. There was a clamour for the right models to evaluate learning and to measure its impact on the overall performance of the organization. ELPIIC was thus initiated and specially designed with a view of reviewing the current trends and approaches of evaluation using best practices from all over the world. Read More, Explore More

The ELPIIC 2012 (5th in this series) will be held over 2 day conference, shall be the forum for enhancing strategies, goals and the right culture towards realizing the evaluation of learning as a workable formula for the organizations’ overall performance and productivity improvement. While the 3rd day will be concurrence session with a workshop on the Return on Investment (ROI) Methodology Process Model, and paper presentations by the academia.

Evaluation of Learning for Performance Improvement International Conference (ELPIIC)

Three international renowned speakers, Dr Jack J. Philips, who is the President of International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) USA and the Chairman of ROI Institute, Inc, the mahaguru on accountability, measurement and evaluation, recipient of several awards for his books and works among others ROI; Prof. Ingrid J. Guerra Lopez, of Wayne State University, Detroit, USA; and Bob Morton, Chairman of Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) UK will addressing in Conference. Leading local corporate leaders will also share their experiences in “Transforming Organizations through Integrating the Best Models of Evaluation of Learning with Performance Management”.

Participants in the ROI workshop, will have a first hand discussion with Dr Jack J. Philips, on his ROI Methodology as a critical tool in measuring and evaluating programs in 20 different applications in more then 52 countries. Concurrently more then 100 papers are expected to be presented by the academia.


This Conference is specially designed and participants will gain the following:

  • Meet and pose questions to experts on the best approaches of evaluation of learning
  • Discover the practicality of implementing Evaluation of Learning for organization improvement from speakers of leading organizations
  • Discover how to be innovative in strategizing effective methods of Evaluation of Learning and its linkages with performance management system in your organization
  • Create or enhance the culture of continuous measurement through the various Levels of Evaluation and ROI for the development of human capital in your organization
  • Be updated on the current trends and future trends of the various methods for Evaluation of Learning.
  • Build valuable and permanent network / affiliation with other delegates for future benefits of sharing common knowledge on the best practices of evaluation of learning.

At the end of this Conference / Workshop a focus ROI Network would be launched that later leads to the establishment of the Malaysian ROI Institute with strong collaboration with the ROI Institute of USA under the tutelage of Dr Jack J. Philips.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND  Read More, Explore More

CEOs, Managing Directors, General Managers, Corporate Planning Managers, Business Managers,Human Resource Manager, HRD / Training Managers, Performance Improvement Managers, Management Consultants, HRM / HRD Executives, Academicians, Students and any individual interested in the field of Human Capital Management and Development.